I built a Django weather app using openweatherapp API.
Yes i built this simple weather app using openweatherapp API, it was fun an easy to built with django.
How do i built it?
I install the module needed for this project, the only module we need is a request module for python since i am using python to built this project.
After installing and setting up the project with django i download a template and start with creating the views for the project.
Here how goes:
1.First go to openweather app website : https://openweathermap.org/
2.Signup for an account so that the openweather app will send you an api key
3.After singup with an account go to API and select the API you want to use
4.In an API doc it will attach a link which look like this api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={city name}&appid={API key} So we need to replace the {API key} with our own API key.
5.That it for the API so in order to make a request or to call the API in python we use a request module to call the API
You can check the project here : https://github.com/Rangkynsai/Weather--website
Check out Pretty Printed youtube video i use his video for my project to make me understand about working with API https://www.youtube.com/c/PrettyPrintedTutorials/videos
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