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Build a tic tac toe game using python

 Hello, In this blog i am going to teach you how to create a tic tac toe game using python. If you know the basic of python like function, loops, conditional, list then you are good to go. In this project we are going to create it with a simple format of python without using any import or any object oriented programming.



2.Player(Computer and a user)


Python fundamental needed:



3.If elif else



Here we are going to start

A tic tac toe game is a game which has three rows and three column so we need a list which is the size of 3X3 which is nine to store the empty dash for the board

Line 4: We assign a game_running to True which mean that the game is still runing when we first start the game.

Line 6: Defining a function to display the board when ever we call the display_board function.

Line 18: When we first start the game the board will display as empty with dash in it. Output is in line 8

Line 19:  We set the current player as 'X' by default.

Line 21: A function to check if there is no winner and the board already filled with X and O so it is a tie.

Line 28: It is a function to check for a winner in which after checking the winner it will return the winner and stop the game.

For a tic tac toe game to check a winner we need to check for a row, column and a diagonal if one row or one column or one diagonal filled with only 'X' or 'O' it will consider as a winner.

Line 32 : It check if the first row is filled with only 'X' or 'O' similarly for second row and third row.

Line 43:It check that if the first column is filled with only 'X' or 'O' and similarly for second column and third column.

Line 53: It check that if the first diagonal is filled with only 'X' or 'O' and similarly for the second diagonal.

Note: If you notice that when ever we access the game_running inside a function the first line of the function is 'global game_running' the reason is that game_running is a global variable so in other to change the value of the variable inside a function we need to declare that variable as a global inside a function with a 'global' keyword.

From line 60 the game is control and ask for player input.

Line 60: We have a while loop which will run as long as the game is running

Line 60: It ask the position where the player want to place it 'X' or 'O'

Line 64: In this line we are going to stop the player from overriding the position which the other player have already place it 'X' or 'O' by asking the player again about the position which they want to place.

Line 67: In this line we are going to ask the player again about the position if by mistake they enter nothing or if they enter with string.

Line 69: In this line we are assigning the position the player enter with their 'X' or 'O' in the board.

Line 70:After every position we place we need to display the board to the player so we call the display_board function.

Line 71: After every position we place we need to check that may be there is a winner.

Line 75: It is to swap the 'X','O' for the player that if one player put 'X' the other should put 'O' and not 'X' again.

Conclusion: I hope you get something from this blog let me know if you find any error in your code i will help you out or if you did not understand something just let me know and i highly encourage to improve the game like handling the error because there are lot more to improve in this code, You can also check the code in my github account click here Github.

I will appreciate if you give me some feedback and correct me if i am wrong. Thankyou


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